Michael Treciokas
Michael Treciokas
Iphone Diatris
Iphone web play
Android Diatris
Android web play
Windows phone Diatris
Windows phone web play
Explorer Diatris
Explorer play
Chrome Diatris
Chrome play
Safari Diatris
Safari play
Firefox Diatris
Firefox play
Diatris Short Description. Diatris is a block dropping game similar to Tetris. The difference between them is the shapes are oriented at 45 degree and to accommodate the new shapes there are minor rule changes for row completion within the well to continue play. Diatris originally came out in 2002 and is now available on the phone as of 2017.
Diatris Long Description. Diatris is a block dropping game similar to the original game named Tetris. It first originated in 2002 and now works operates on the phone for 2017. You could say it looks like Tetris on a tilt but once you start playing it you will quickly realize this is not Tetris old style. The difference is everything is oriented at a 45 degree angle. This then resulted in rule changes. Once a row is acomplished diamonds going translucent so that anything in the future can be fit in its place. A complete two successive row results in the automatic deletion of those two row, thus everything moves down accordingly by two. All shapes are the same as the original Tetris, except they are oriented at 45 degree slant and everything moves diagonally. This game is known as Diatris concatenation from "Diamond Tetris". You can easily play for over 20 minutes if you figure out a proper orientation solutions at the bottom of the well, along with ongoing alignments strategy. You need a winning strategy via geometry placements to conquer Diatris.
Diatris Play Function The Diatris is a unique somewhat similar to Tetris. The difference being, that the Tetris objects are rotated by 45 degrees into the shape of diamonds. For this game, Diatris, the objects can move vertically and diagonally. Rules to eliminating pieces: 1. Any complete row of diamonds within the well will cause the row to turn translucent. Translucent diamond piece act essentially as placeholders for an object to fall though or take its place. 2. Any two complete adjacent rows of diamonds will cause the deletion of those two rows, with the above rows to fall down into their place. The games combine the addictive nature of Tetris with new strategies for fitting diamond objects together. When you become really good, you will be able to play Diatris 20 minutes non-stop without having to start a new game.
Exploring Diatris Diatris is a block dropping game but not like anything on the Internet. You could say it looks like Tetris on a tilt but once you start playing it you will quickly realize this is not Tetris. The good news is Diatris is playable for over 20 minutes if you are skilled. Diatris has been in existence about 15 years now. Diatris came out originally in 2002 as Version 1.0 but was due for an update. One thing new was added a preview on the next falling piece. The goal of this is to extend the playable game over 20 minutes, since you can be more strategic because you have a preview of the next piece. The next piece previous was added as a request from a user.